057 Mastering Earned Media

From Reviews to Recognition with Alex Sanfilippo


In a world where consumer trust in traditional advertising continues to decline, earned media has emerged as the new currency of business credibility. But what exactly is earned media, and how can founders leverage it effectively?

What if your reputation could do more for your business than your marketing budget?

Join us for an eye-opening conversation with PodMatch founder Alex Sanfilippo as we dive deep into the world of earned media. Discover why 92% of consumers trust earned media over traditional advertising, yet only 36% of businesses have a strategy for it. Learn the "Three R's" approach to building authentic connections, understand why consistency trumps perfection, and uncover practical strategies for turning your reputation into revenue.

The landscape of business promotion has shifted dramatically. While paid advertising still has its place, earned media—the publicity and exposure you receive without direct payment—has become increasingly crucial for business success. From podcast appearances to social media mentions, press coverage to customer reviews, your reputation in the marketplace often determines your success more than your marketing budget.

The key to effective earned media lies in understanding that it's not about what you say about yourself—it's about what others say about you. Start by identifying who you serve and where they spend their time. If your customers are business professionals, LinkedIn might be your sweet spot. If you're targeting younger entrepreneurs, platforms like YouTube or Instagram could be more effective.

Consistency trumps perfection in earned media. Regular podcast appearances, consistent social media presence, and ongoing community engagement build momentum over time. Think of it like a train—it takes significant effort to get moving, but once it gains momentum, it's hard to stop.

Watch the Full Episode on Mastering Earned Media with expert Alex Sanfilippo below:

Learn more about Alex's company, PodMatch, at podmatch.com/free

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